Flyover replay: How Hi helps you harness the full intelligence of leaders, teams, and technologies.

Change your mindset from one of fear or confusion to one that embraces the potential and power of generative AI and the 7 realms of intelligence you can harness to better contribute and lead in your role at your organization.

Hi™ equips leaders with a transformative mindset and an AI-powered toolkit to harness their Intelligence Ecosystem™. This includes their team, their organization, their customers, their technologies, and more.  

Contact us or talk to your Advantage partner to explore bringing a Harness Intelligence experience to your organization!

Why attend Hi: The Core Experience

Register today to experience it for yourself!

During The Core, participants use an AI platform in triads and tackle a text-based and an image-based challenge. It’s fun, fast, and breaks the ice. Then, through the eyes of a typical manager, they explore and learn about the Intelligence Ecosystem and its 7 specific domains. From there, participants get into the highly robust and easy-to-use, 42-piece toolkit and apply it, using an AI bot, with three real-world scenarios.

Participants get comfortable using AI with various challenges, while they dig deep into the known risks and how to avoid them. In the last module, they build strong skills around how to create and use “power prompts.”

There is a pre-class assessment to get learning started and engage the power of reflection. Also in the pre-work is a short video on the nature and evolution of AI in business to provide a baseline for all and general context.

The experience is all hands-on. Participants are immediately able to use what they have learned as well as access all the new tools.