How exactly can you decipher what’s a valuable trend and what’s a throwaway fad?

From Vine to Snapchat to good ole Twitter and Facebook, the number of tech tools and social platforms available to us today are numerous and growing. Fun and addicting, these technologies have infiltrated our personal lives and are becoming increasingly common in the workplace.

For those manning their organization’s training and development, it can be especially important to keep a finger on the pulse of what’s “hot,” so the most current tools can be used to engage employees in adopting new skills and knowledge.

Use these guidelines from our thought leader partner Root Inc. to help you properly evaluate tech’s place in your program.

Get access today and we'll include these BONUS curriculum design tips from Root we know you'll love:

  • 9 steps to creating a curriculum that motivates & inspires your people 
    Sadly, the majority of training sessions are doomed before they’re even launched. Here's how to make sure yours isn't.
  • If you build it, they will come
    A 4-step plan to match your learning strategy to your business strategy

Photo at top by Rod Long, Unsplash